Novikov Nikolai

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Nikolai Novikov was an excellent master of drawing, the whole artistic world of Odesa admired his originality, his mode of life gave rise to many rumours and legends, which now remain exciting for the public. "Non-conformis" means inimitable, contradictory to the aims of majority, - just this definition is the most suitable for the description of Mykola Novykov’s personality. Artist of genius, born at inappropriate time and place, or a child of his times, who became outsider due to his irreconcilable temper. Rather both, having free spirit and not being socially committed, he admired the artists which were prohibited, succeeding to and carrying on their artistic traditions, owing to which he could be expelled from the college at that time. He lived and created as he wished, though it was contrary to the generally accepted concepts. The works of Mykola Novykov combine the appropriate nervousness and the distinctive manner, as well as the European breadth of the artistic mind. This artist was devoted to arts, as curiously enough, the genuine talent rather requires than gives.